Change max_connections
The max_connections variable will need to be changed in two places:
Show the Current max_connections Value
To see the current number of max_connections log in to the MySQL/MariaDB command line client with the command:
mysql -u root -p
Use the command:
SHOW variables;
This will output a list of all of the variables which are set for MySQL/MariaDB. Scroll up through the list to find the value for max_connections.
Update my.cnf
Open the file /etc/my.cnf for editing with the command:
sudo nano /etc/my.cnf
Directly beneath the first line:
Add a line:
max_connections=[desired new maximum number]
For example, to set max_connections to 200, the first two lines of the file will read:
Save and exit the file.
Log in to the MySQL/MariaDB command line client with the command:
mysql -u root -p
Set the new max_connections value with the command:
SET GLOBAL max_connections=[desired new maximum number];
For example, to set max_connections to 200, the command is:
SET GLOBAL max_connections=200;
Exit MySQL/MariaDB with the command:
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