Thursday, June 29, 2017

Create, Backup and Restore MYSQL Database using GUI in Windows

Create, Backup and Restore MYSQL Database using GUI in Windows

Create NEW database Using GUI tool

Connect MySQL Administrator using root.

Now Create new Schema

Create user and password

Create, Backup and Restore MYSQL Database in Linux

Create, Backup and Restore MYSQL Database in Linux

Create new database using terminal

[root@localhost]# mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database 1234;
mysql> grant all privileges on web.* to web@localhost identified by "1234";
mysql> show datadbase;

Backup database using terminal


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to install apache web server on window 7

How to install apache web server on window 7

You can install Apache anywhere, such as a portable USB drive.
But , In this scenario we install in C drive
Download latest version or your required Apache web server setup from site
Apache httpd for Microsoft Windows
Stable Release – Latest Version: · 2.4.25 (released 2016-12-20)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) or latest version
Install this setup
Extract the file
We will install Apache in C:Apache2, so extract the ZIP file to the root of the C: driveApache can be installed anywhere on your system, but you will need to change the configuration file paths accordingly…

Monday, June 26, 2017

ESXi 5.0.0 installation steps on VM player – Magazie

ESXi 5.0.0 installation steps on VM player – Magazie

Create a new VM.
Select the “ Typical “ or “ Custom ” configuration option as below mentioned :-

Next select the installation media like “Install from”

Installer disc drive.

Or Install OS later on.
Or attach the iso file .

Give Virtual machine name and location of VM


How To Install Java on Ubuntu with Apt-Get & OEL ,RHEL with yum or manually – Magazie

How To Install Java on Ubuntu with Apt-Get & OEL ,RHEL with yum or manually – Magazie

sudo apt-get update

java -version

To install OpenJDK 7, execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

sudo yum install openjdk-7-jdk

sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer

sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

sudo update-alternatives –config java

It will usually return something like this if you have 2 installations

How To Install Java on Ubuntu with Apt-Get & OEL ,RHEL with yum or manually – Magazie

How To Install Java on Ubuntu with Apt-Get & OEL ,RHEL with yum or manually – Magazie

sudo apt-get update

java -version

To install OpenJDK 7, execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

sudo yum install openjdk-7-jdk

sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer

sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

sudo update-alternatives –config java

It will usually return something like this if you have 2 installations

Installing Apache ActiveMQ on Linux – Magazie

Installing Apache ActiveMQ on Linux – Magazie

Install Apache ActiveMQ on Linux.

    Download Apache ActiveMQ

Type the following command:

    Extract the Archive

    Extract the distribution archive, i.e. apache-activemq-5.5.0-bin.tar.gz to the directory you wish to install Apache ActiveMQ. These instructions assume you chose /opt. The subdirectory apache-activemq-5.5.0 will be created from the archive.

tar -zxvf apache-activemq-5.5.0-bin.tar.gz

Understanding Sudo – Magazie

Understanding Sudo – Magazie

    Root is the super user its has the ability to do anytask on a system. To  protection against potential damage sudo is used in place of root.
    Sudo allows users and groups access to commands they normally would not be able to use.
    Sudo will allow a user to have administration privileges without logging in as root. A example of the sudo command is as follows:


sudo apt-get install <package>

How To Install Tomcat 7.0.56 Server on CentOS & RHEL 6/5 – Magazie

How To Install Tomcat 7.0.56 Server on CentOS & RHEL 6/5 – Magazie

Check Java version using command

# java -version

java version “1.8.0”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.0-b70, mixed mode)

Then , Download tomacat using command

# cd /tmp
# wget

Untar and move as per your requirement directory

Friday, June 23, 2017

Sybase ASE –Adaptive Server Enterprise Suite15.7 Installation on Windows

First ,Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) SP 1
Now , Open the folder where you copy the setup or extracted . And run the setupConsole.exe file .
Proceed to Install Click the Next button.
Create folder if not created earlier it may prompt for or give the location where you want to install this.

YouTube Channel

Oracle Database 19c Installation on Oracle Linux 7

Pre-installation settings before installing Oracle Database 19c SELinux If the OS is to be used for an Oracle installation, it is ...